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Decision taking

podejmowanie decyzji

Decision taking


As part of collaboration between Polish and Swedish departments (within the same company), a Swedish manager requested a larger group of Polish consultants for a certain project. Within a couple of days, Polish colleagues provided a list of relevant consultants. However, for a several weeks, there was no feedback nor decision from Sweden on this matter.


Poles perceived this situation as lack of respect for their short notice delivery. Followed by meeting with the Swedish department where they expressed their discontent, they engaged their consultants for other assignments and changed their approach for future, similar situations. It was simply put low down on the priority list. Swedish business partner considered this approach as unprofessional. This created an uncomfortable situation for both parties, where issues within collaboration had impact on effectiveness of delivery.


Polish process of decision taking is usually short, since there often is one lead (decision taker). Swedish process of taking decision is long due to the flat hierarchy within organizations. Decisions are often taken commonly, based on opinion of several team members. Also, there is a conviction that a good decision is a decision that is well thought through hence – takes time.

Unawareness of those aspects created unrealistic expectations on both sides, based on codes applied within own business culture.


Awareness of this aspect of differences within business cultural, could lead to a compromise between the two parties resulting in continuous successful collaboration:

Keeping in mind differences in duration related to decision taking, on the initial meeting both parties could make clear agreements regarding deadlines both could relate to. This would give Polish management possibility to plan engagement of their consultants accordingly and the Swedish management a specific timeframe as for when they are expected to provide a decision.