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How to get inside the Swedish market? Use design thinking

Do you want to start a business in Sweden and reach the actual needs of the customers? To achieve this, there are various methods and ways of working.  One of them is gaining more and more popularity and brings very good results – design thinking.

Design thinking in business?

The use of this method in business, is to determine the needs of customers in the best way possible, through a thorough analysis of their needs. The whole process usually consists of 5 stages, where when creating services and products, the project teams carefully analyze all factors that bring value and respond to customer needs. The first stage is to see the client’s perspective and understand his needs. The next step is to summarize the collected information, which allows to determine the actual needs of the customer. The third stage is creation of ideas, and it allows to move on to the next one, where the team creates prototypes, which are used for testing in in a real customer environment. That is the last stage.

Design thinking, why is it worth it?

Working with the design thinking method is not as new idea as some claim. The assumptions of this method were created at Stanford University and the scientists used it already in the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century.

Due to the many improvements that have taken place since then, the use of design thinking today, allows you to increase the profits of your company or, when someone is just starting their adventure with business, enter the market with a very thorough and proven plan.

Using design thinking may seem quite complicated, however putting some extra effort into this phase in the project is worth the latter results.

Swedes like tailor-made things

Creating services and products using design thinking fits perfectly within the Swedish market, because it is focused on innovative solutions and responding to actual, but also individual customer needs.

Swedes value the accuracy as well as the matching of products and services to their needs. Due to the high awareness of how consumption affects the environment and what social problems it generates, Swedes want to buy things that they have a real a need for.

Using design thinking in business, allows you to reach Swedish customers with your product in accordance with their needs.

Swedish customers, in addition to the usefulness of the product itself, appreciate its quality and design. Designing your offer with the help of design thinking will give you the opportunity to determine what products customers like, what is most important to them, what is their attitude to the quality of the proposed solutions and various other nuances that we often do not pay attention to. It is also an opportunity to reach the needs related to the specificity of Swedes who, due to a slightly different culture and having different budgets than Poles, have different expectations as to the products and services they buy.

If you need innovative and effective solutions that support the creation of modern services and products, think of design thinking as a process that, despite the demanding implementation, may actually be the best solution for your business.