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Is studying in Sweden a good preparation for working worldwide?

Are you thinking about carrying out your studies in Sweden and wonder what valuable skills you may gain from it? There is no doubt that Swedish universities operate differently than the universities in Poland. It is worth getting to know where they put most emphasis and what the entire curriculum focuses on. And if you think about a future career abroad, the key question is: are studies in Sweden able to prepare for work on the international market?

Studies and work on the international market

Are any studies able to prepare young people to work on the international market? It is not a simple question, because it all depends on the chosen university, as well as the student’s willingness to learn and develop. Of course, merely the studies per se are not a guarantee to success, but the right curriculum can definitely help you enter the international labour market. How? The key is an education system that focus on several aspects that play an important role in international business, and  this is what the Swedish higher education system is characterized by: innovation, with focus on cooperation with the business sector. So, what makes the Swedish way of educating so distinctive?


Sweden does undoubtedly distinguish itself by holding very good relations between the academic community and the business world. Thanks to this, the studies always combine theory and practice, and it is possible to visit different companies and get to know them from the inside. Universities cooperate with many entrepreneurs to educate their students in specific fields that will enable them to start their careers in the future. Thanks to a practical approach, the students have an opportunity to learn about the functioning of many companies already during their studies, which allows to educate future employees needed in a specific business sphere.


Universities in Sweden strongly promote an international environment and about 10% of students originate from abroad. The atmosphere at Swedish universities is friendly, open to other points of view and to cultural diversities. Thanks to this, students can learn how to work in multicultural teams during their studies – ability extremely important when working internationally. If students encounter any difficulties in such multicultural co-existence at this stage, they will be able to learn very early on how to deal with it and what challenges they must be prepared for later.

Supporting creativity

Every student in Sweden is constantly encouraged to think creatively and independently, and to get rid of any rigid thinking schemes. As a result, students are prepared to create completely new ideas and projects that go beyond all schemes. This is an extremely valuable element of the Swedish education system, because creativity is considered a very important skill on a global scale. According to a global CEO survey, it brings us closer to achieving success.

So, do studies in Sweden prepare you to work on the international market? Well, they certainly provide great foundations and opportunities to achieve an international success. The Swedish education system believes that “developing wings” in the field of creativity and thinking outside the box, combining theory with practice, building networks in companies as well as being provided the opportunity to work in multicultural teams, is the basis for achieving professional success in the future. There is no doubt that through studying in Sweden you can gain valuable skills that will allow you to enter the international job market more easily.