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Job satisfaction – how to provide it to your employees?

People who derive satisfaction from the workplace become loyal employees who are reluctant to change positions or companies. It is in the interest of anyone who wants to create a stable business to provide employees with the greatest possible satisfaction on the workplace, which will allow them to achieve strategic targets and desired results, faster.

Frederick Herzberg is a psychologist who was one of the first to thoroughly study factors that affect job satisfaction. He conducted a study on 200 employees, engineers, and accountants. The conclusions of his research led him to create a theory that divides the factors of job satisfaction into external and internal.

The effectiveness of introducing solutions that improve work efficiency should start with the introduction of external factors in the company.

What does this mean for you?

At the very beginning, take care of everything related to the environment of your employees. Think about how you can improve their daily functioning in your company?

Consider a few important details. What are the relations of employees with superiors at different levels? Good relationships and atmosphere are often the basis, the foundation on which you can build the satisfaction of the employees.

The working conditions themselves are also very important. This consist of even the smallest details, such as the appearance of the office and the immediate surroundings. It is possible that your offices don’t need a renovation, but better equipment. Take care of employees’ access to the chill-out zone, the ability to work with comfortable office chairs and a neat, nice environment. If your company is dominated by remote work, provide employees with the right equipment to carry it out, and pay for access to the Internet in their homes.

Aalso the recompense, which allows to live in decent conditions and meet all needs plays a key role. Employees’ salaries must not be too low, and contracts should guarantee security and provide all benefits.

Internal aspects – motivators

The internal factors consist of the right motivators that allow your employees and your company to achieve the best results. This, once the fundamental ones, such as the external factors mentioned earlier, have been taken care of.

It is thanks to motivators that the employee feels that what he does makes sense, that his effort is needed and appreciated. How to apply motivators to employees? Make sure that they have a chance for specific achievements, i.e., the opportunity to develop. Distinguish their effort by expressing appreciation, notice what employees do well and praise them for it. Also, allow employees to take responsibility, it will give them the feeling that they are an important part of your company. Finally, focus on internal recruitment and new development opportunities.

Make sure that your employees are always satisfied and motivated while working for you. This is a recipe for a well-functioning business, in which each employee gives his best.